Emmer variety trial in Hohenheim
Einkorn variety trial in Hohenheim

General information about Einkorn and Emmer

Einkorn (Triticum monococcum ssp. monococcum) and Emmer (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum) belong to the oldest crops used by humans for systematic agriculture. Einkorn is diploid and Emmer tetraploid and both are only distant relatives of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. aestivum). Like Spelt, Einkorn and Emmer are hulled wheats, where the kernels remain toughly enclosed by their hulls during the harvest. A further working step in the mill is required to dehull the kernels. Although requiring this extra effort, the hull represents a natural protection against airborne and fungal pollutants.Emmer was the main crop of Egypt at the age of the famous pharao’s like Cleopatra. In contrast, Einkorn existed mainly in low concentration as additional crop within Emmer fields. In the last years, both species get more and more in the interest of baking industry and consumers. We work intensively in the screening of existing Einkorn- and Emmer accessions from gene banks to elaborate their agronomic and quality performance for wider adaptation in modern agriculture. In contrast to many press and internet reports, we want to emphasize that neither Einkorn nor Emmer nor Spelt should be consumed by patients with clearly diagnosed celiac disease or wheat allergy.   For more information I recommend this book: Neglected cereals.